[Quote of the Week] Theme Songs

Earlier this year the students I had the great fortune of teaching at the time were choosing theme songs. The purpose was to help create a vision of success in their growing brains while sneaking in some reading and writing. We talked about imagining themselves enter a room, concert hall, field, meeting–whatever location would hold…

[Mentor Text Monday] A Snicker of Magic

Sometimes it takes a mighty push to get back on track. Thank you author Natalie Lloyd for the exact kind of push I needed. Before the end of the first chapter of A Snicker of Magic I was itchin’ to share the magic with y’all. I’m only on Chapter Four right now and I couldn’t wait…

[An Abecedary of Cape-Wearing] O is for Jimmy

Sometimes you wear the cape and sometimes you’re… Jimmy Olson. From Wikipedia: James Bartholomew “Jimmy” Olsen is a fictional character who appears mainly in DC Comics’ Superman stories. Olsen is a young photojournalist working for the Daily Planet. He is close friends with Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Superman, and has a good working relationship with…

[R@ndom] Currently

Thank you to Amy at Reflections on Leadership and Learning for introducing me to this idea! Here is a list of things I am “currently” doing, thinking, buying, etc-ing… Current Celebration I am celebrating whimsy. I’ve been using #whimsy365 on my social media accounts to post photos of things that make my thoughts go “awe…

[An Abecedary of Cape-Wearing] N is for Nemesis

For this installment in the Abecedary of Cape-Wearing, I will focus on the enemy. I typically avoid enemy and villain talk for a few reasons. Mostly, I prefer to not give airtime to the negative. Also, I don’t want to spend my time writing about the things that bother me. I know there are plenty of truly…